Friday, May 13, 2016

Lock Screen Lessons

Every month or so I come across a new mental hurtle in life. Not a bad thing at all. New problems are better than the same ones over and over. So to help remind myself to change my mindset about something or change a habit, I make a cool lock screen for my phone. And it has only occurred to me today to share them!

This is my current background. Lately I've 
been reluctant to get up and hustle. I'm gonna use this to remind myself to just get up, put maximum effort, and power through like a boss!

This lock screen I made when I realized I was always looking for a way out. A way out of an outing, opportunity, new acquaintance. Out of fear of stepping out of my comfort zone I would look for something wrong with the situation or person and screw myself over. Seeing this lock screen every time I opened my phone would force me to check in with myself. "Have I been finding ways to screw myself over?" And "Am I looking for one right now?" After making it a habit I was able to beat it!

I use an app called WordSwag to make these and I LOVE IT! It has an amazing gallery of photos and arranges the quotes in so many different styles and fonts. For a full gallery of my lock screens and wallpapers check out my Pinterest